How Do I Setup My Voicemail For The First Time On My Iphone

Some network providers also let you do so via their mobile app.
How do i setup my voicemail for the first time on my iphone. Now type 11 and then enter the number of seconds that you want your device to ring before the call is sent to voicemail. Create a 7 to 15-digit password. Tap Change Voicemail Password.
Record voice signature andor greeting if desired. This is a 4-6 digit number that is needed when youre checking your voicemail from a landline or another mobile. Go to Account overview My digital phone Check or manage voicemail features.
From your iPhone go to Settings Phone Change password. You will be prompted to choose or record a greeting if you have not done so. This is the message people who are diverted to your voicemail will hear Your voicemail PIN.
If you use iPhone Visual Voicemail you can also change the voicemail password on the iPhone directly. If you want it to be 10 seconds then you should now have the following on your phone app. You can change your voicemail passcode at any time.
If youre setting up voicemail for the first time click set up now. Voicemail messages will automatically be deleted after a specific amount of time and cannot be retrieved. Press and hold 1.
If youve not been able to finish setting up visual voicemail on your iPhone try switching off your iPhone and switching it back on. If you have more than one cellular plan on your iPhone try switching to the other plan. Enter your 10 digit phone number and then press.